Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult

Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult was established in 2013 by the UK Government.
It is the UK’s leading innovation centre for offshore renewable energy and provides multiple opportunities and benefits to the companies based within the Energy Central Cluster.
ORE Catapult brings to the cluster unique facilities and comprehensive research and engineering capabilities, that together with industry and academia is driving innovation on renewable energy.
Facilities to support the energy sector
ORE Catapult, Blyth provides a number of benefits to companies working in and supporting the energy sector, this includes:
- The world’s most comprehensive open access and independent test and research facilities.
- Wind turbine blade testing facilities which undertake structural testing of blades up to 100m in length (dynamic and static) in accordance with IEC and ISO standards.
- 1 MW, 3 MW and 15 MW power train testing facilities which are capable of performing independent performance and reliability appraisals of full systems and components.
- Electrical infrastructure facilities, including UKAS-Accredited HV and Materials Laboratory, HV insulation breakdown testing up to 600kV AC, 1MV DC and a dynamic cable test rig.
- An open access offshore anemometry platform.
- Subsea and marine testing facilities, including three subsea docks for both wet and dry conditions, including a replica seabed, for controlled subsea testing. This controlled saltwater environment is used in trials and demonstrations of new and innovative technologies.
- The Disruptive Innovative Test Centre, which is used to develop and accelerate high potential, innovative technology, from early-stage development to market ready products or services.
- Shop floor space and facilities, crane lifting, large payload access and office space.
- A multi-disciplined team of highly qualified engineers and technical specialists who have in-depth experience in renewable energy technologies.
As the UK’s leading technology innovation and research centre for offshore renewable energy ORE Catapult is playing a key role in delivering the UK’s net zero targets by accelerating the creation and growth of UK companies in the offshore renewable energy sector.